How to Act Like a Parisian in Paris

How to Act Like a Parisian in Paris

You don’t fool Parisians when you walk around Paris with a huge camera slung around your neck, consulting your map every five seconds. We know you’re lost, we know you don’t belong. I’ll be honest, tourists are treated differently in Paris –...
How to Cheaply Travel to France

How to Cheaply Travel to France

The best way to practice your French and experience French culture is to venture abroad and see the beautiful country in person. However I’ve heard of people who spent THOUSANDS to visit France for a meager 7 to 10 day period. Ridiculous. Here’s how to...
Common French Stereotypes

Common French Stereotypes

Take some time and think about the stereotypical French person. He’s a rude Parisian with a thick mustache donning a striped tee-shirt and beret. He’s smoking a cigarette while sitting at a café. His long baguette remains close-by so he could sample the...
Geography of France

Geography of France

French (political) geography is a subject matter in which many students fall flat on. It’s truly a shame when I talk to another French learner and share my experiences about where I’ve been only to witness a blank expression on their face… This...

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