Culture / Fashion / Literature

French Culture

How to Act Like a Parisian in Paris
Top 10 French Movies You Should See
The Charlie Hebdo Attack – How Terrorism in France Strengthened a Nation

La Fête de la Musique
You Speak French well…. for an American.
The Haitian Revolution (French documentary within)


There are more specialized websites you can use to get direct information about French fashion.

French Fashion Sites

Mon Blog de Fille

Everyday French Fashion videos, “Street Style”
Vii – 19 years old
Solweig – 20 years old (Weather Woman on Canal+, exclusive interview)
Céline – 20 years old
Mathilde – 23 years old
Célien* – 25 years old

Fashion articles translated:
How to Wear your Scarf
Pencil Skirts

French Literature

Here are some French literary works (texts, excerpts, and poems) from throughout the years. The primary language is in French but sometimes I analysize it all in English.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Du Contrat Social [Extrait]


George Sand – Indiana [Extrait]
Gustave Flaubert – Madame Bovary [Extrait]
Arthur Rimbaud – Le Dormeur du Val [Poème]


Andre Breton – L’Union Libre [Poème]
Aimé Césaire – La Tragédie du Roi Christophe [Extrait]
Françoise Sagan – Bonjour Tristesse [Extrait]


Suzanne Collins – Hunger Games [Extrait]
John Elkhoury (me) – La Resistance Francaise [WITH VIDEO]
John Elkhoury (me) – L’accident

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