What are the top French songs from 2019? Whenever you look up French music, you’ll always find people mention the oldies. But how about the more current French songs that students actually want to hear? We know that listening to French music everyday is a great way to improve your French.

Here’s a list of the top most recent French songs from the end of 2018 and throughout 2019. Keep in mind that nowadays a lot of popular music tends to be pop and rap focused. The songs are in no particular order. If you like French music then you can also check our list of top 100 French songs you need to hear at least once or our Top 2018 French song list.

Distant – Maes ft. Ninho

Music released in 2019, video from 2020

Distant is part of French rapper Maes’ new album. The opening verse is by Ninho. This song is the type of stuff that would blare in a French club to pick up the atmosphere. The video features the typical: drugs, money, cars, girls, guns, bubbly champagne and luxury wardrobes. 

Blanka – PNL

Music released November 2019

The brother duo PNL go visit Jamaica and the rest is history. No women, fancy cars or large stacks of money in the music video. Although, the lyrics tend to focus heavily about money.

Si T’es Pas Là – M. Pokora

Music released November 2019

M. Pokora is back.

Mirador – Kezah ft. Freddy

Music released July 2019

Kezah and Freddy come out with this catchy, hispanic-themed French song just in time for the summer of 2019. 

Médicament – Niska ft. Booba

Music released July 2019

French rapper Niska goes down to Miami to visit the legend himself, Booba. The song is focused around the select distribution of various drugs. 

Hit Sale – Therapie Taxi ft. Roméo Elvis

Music released from 2017

One of the few top 2019 songs which doesn’t actually originate from 2019 however has recently become popular.

Moulaga – Heuss L’Enfoiré ft. JUL

Music released December 2019

Heuss L’enfoiré pairs up with the rapper JUL to talk about their acquired wealth. JUL is a rapper from Marseille and he has a huge following. For some reason this song has become widely popular, it’s catchy but doesn’t offer much in terms of musical or lyrical style. 

Bitch – Lefa ft. Vlad

Music released July 2019

Probably the best overall rap song on this list.

Bienvenue Chez Moi – Bigflo & oli

French Music released November 2019

Bienvenue Chez Moi, translated to “welcome to my home,” is a song by French duo BigFlo & Oli. The two become our tour guide as they lead us through the various little quirks that make each part of France so unique and special (they also visit Belgium, Switzerland and Corscia). The rap duo have been featured on past top French music lists. 

Les Chose Simples – Jennifer, Slimane

Music released May 2019

French Popstar Jennifer pairs up with Slimane to bring us this hit. The song is about finding happiness in the most simple things in life. 


More songs will be added to the list with time. You can also suggest any top French songs from 2019 that we may have missed in the comment section below!

Feel free to check out our 2018 French music list or Frantastique to help yourself learn French online.

Happy listening.

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