FrenchCrazy Newsletter

April 2015 Newsletter

There’s a vast amount of information on the internet – but our time is finite. To help you guys out, I decided to launch a monthly newsletter. Unlike large companies which automate emails, I hand-write every one and cherry pick highlighted content.

In the FrenchCrazy Newsletter I’ll highlight:

– An interesting current event, song, or video from France
– 2 or 3 articles from FrenchCrazy about learning French or traveling/living in France
– Any updates about the site

What I won’t send:

– Things not related to France or learning French
– 10 emails per day

You know those “monthly” newsletters you sign up for but you end up receiving 10 emails a day? Some have promotions, others are spam, and all of them come from an automated mailer. Yeah, no. I respect your inbox, you can expect 1-2 emails per month, maximum.

The FrenchCrazy Newsletter is a personal dialogue between you and me. It’s a bit of time to space that gap from mere reader and writer. I’d love your opinion because the content on this site are for you guys!

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