How to Ask Questions in French with Ease

How to Ask Questions in French with Ease

There are five main ways to ask questions in French. Today we’re going to cover all of them – with example sentences! As you know, questions are an important part of everyday French speech. Using these tips, plus reading up on how to sounds more fluent,...
French Direct Object Pronouns

French Direct Object Pronouns

French direct object pronouns can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around. However their use in French is SUBSTANTIAL if you want to sound more fluent in the language. WE’RE GOING TO COVER THE FOLLOWING THINGS: 1) What are direct object pronouns (in...
French Subject Pronouns

French Subject Pronouns

Today we’re going to talk about French subject pronouns! I provide both and explanation video as well as the answers to two quizzes from the video. Quick Overview A subject pronoun is just a fancy way of saying a noun which replaces the subject of the sentence....
Quiz: Do You Know France?

Quiz: Do You Know France?

Francophiles are crazy about all things French. To prove if you merit that title, I created a general quiz about France’s history, government, politics, territory and people. You don’t need to speak French to answer any of the questions. Our 20-question...
Frantastique Review

Frantastique Review

My problem when learning French from the United States is the lack of consistent practice. Since we don’t have French speakers around us, we’re not exposed to French unless we seek it. So while DuoLingo tracks a sort of “daily streak” to ensure...
Sound More French: 8 Great Speaking Tips

Sound More French: 8 Great Speaking Tips

How can I sound more French when holding a conversation? It’s a question I get a lot. French learners have the most trouble trouble speaking. Ironic, because informal conversations with French natives is a rewarding feat. Here are my tips to sounding more fluent...

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