La Tête de Veau: A French Delicacy

La Tête de Veau: A French Delicacy

Vegetarians and PETA supporters should leave now. I ate a baby calf’s head, and it was delicious. Warm, tender meat surrounded by a gelatinous skin and coated with a flavorful gribiche sauce. Soft to the bite it was easily washed down with a glass of local red...
Popular French Cheeses

Popular French Cheeses

Although originally written in 2011, this article has been updated on April 2020. French cuisine is typically known for three things, it’s great wine, great bread, and great cheese. If you peruse the cheese section of Carrefour, you’ll be astonished...
How To Order Food In France

How To Order Food In France

So you travel to France and wanted to order food from a lovely French dining establishment. This article will provide you with key “French Ordering” vocabulary, and the knowledge of how to confidently request your meal. You’ll amaze your English...
How to Read French Nutrition Labels

How to Read French Nutrition Labels

So, you travel to France and you wanted to have a piece of chocolate… Mmmm Esprit Noir à la Menthe! You take a gander at “Les Informations Nutritionnelles.” No surprise, it’s in French. What does 2190KJ pour 100g even mean? Today we’ll discuss the...

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