Et Je Veux Danser in English
Reviewed/Translated by John Elkhoury
Like all my music reviews, I start with a French to English translation then critique the lyrics and style below.

Je ne veux pas savoir ton nom – non, non, non
I don’t want to know your name – no, no, no
Je veux écouter le son – oh, oh, oh
I want to listen to the sound – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux pas faire de photo – non, non, non
I don’t want to take any photos – no, no, no
Je te tournerai le dos – oh, oh, oh
I will turn my back towards you – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux pas de souvenir – non, non, non
I don’t want any memory – no, no, no
N’essaie pas de me séduire – oh, oh, oh
Do not try to seduce me – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux pas de rendez-vous – non, non, non
I don’t want any dates – no, no, no
Il n’y aura jamais de nous
We will never be together

Je ne veux pas te dire mon nom – non, non, non
I don’t want to tell you my name – no, no, no
Je te dirai toujours “non” – oh, oh, oh
I will always tell you “no” – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux plus dire “I love you” – non, non, non
I don’t want to say “I love you” any more – no, no, no
Ne te mets à pas à genoux – oh, oh, oh
Do not stealthily place yourself on my lap – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux pas que tu m’enlace – non, non, non
I don’t want you to embrace me – no, no, no
Je n’ai pas un coeur de glace – oh, oh, oh
I don’t have a cold heart – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux plus penser à rien – non, non, non
I don’t want to think about anything – no, no, no
Ni aujourd’hui, ni demain
Not today, not tomorrow
Ni demain (x2)
Not tomorrow

Et je veux danser
And I want to dance
Je ne veux que danser
I only want to dance
Je veux faire valser
I want to waltz
Les violons du passé
(To) the violins of the past
Et je veux danser
And I want to dance
Je ne veux que danser
I only want to dance
Les violons du passé
(To) the violins of the past

Danser (x10)
Je ne veux que danser
I only want to dance

Je ne veux pas savoir ton nom – non, non, non
I don’t want to know your name – no, no, no
Je veux écouter le son – oh, oh, oh
I want to listen to the sound – oh, oh, oh
Je ne veux pas te dire mon nom – non, non, non
I do not want to tell you my name – no, no, no
Je te dirai toujours “non”
I will always tell you “no”

So, I posted this song for one reason – it’s catchy and it’s easy. I personally like the part right around the song’s 2 minute mark/ then again at around 2:45. Melissa Mars is a French actress and singer who started acting at the young ripe age of 13, singing lessons soon followed. She released a few good songs, but nothing stellar. I hope you guys enjoyed the song!

For the complete list of reviewed French songs, click HERE.
All songs and lyrics are owned by their respective owners. Any discrepancies with translations can be posted below. Please note that translations are not always word for word, I strive to make the statements sound fluent in English.

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