Take some time and think about the stereotypical French person. He’s a rude Parisian with a thick mustache donning a striped tee-shirt and beret. He’s smoking a cigarette while sitting at a café. His long baguette remains close-by so he could sample the various cheeses encountered during the day. As he returns home he surrenders his bike to a German tourist, he makes passionate love to several women, and then doesn’t shower after said extra-martial interactions.
Stereotypes, love them or hate them, are widely held cognitive shortcuts used to describe a group. Here we’re going to analyze the common French stereotypes and dig a little deeper as to why they exist. Are the French rude? Do the French smell? Are French women hairy? And why the hell do the French surrender so much? Let’s start with a more positive stereotype, the French are great lovers….
The French are Amazing Lovers

The wine is from France, but the girl is American.
Why do you think my article French Love terms gets so many hits? I’m exploiting the stereotype that French men are exquisite lovers and French females are innate temptresses. We associate France with things from risqué can-can dancing to lingerie, stylish models and French kissing. People even consider Paris as the city of love. I would argue, though, that the majority of people who believe the French are supernatural lovers have never even been to France, let alone have had intimate contact with a French person. I’m convinced that one of the biggest culprits for perpetuating the French-Lover Stereotype would be the media (news, movies, songs, fashion magazine advertisements).
Another source for this stereotype may stem from the sexual revolution that France experienced during the 20th century. Not to mention that the French are less prude towards nudity and sexuality. One good example would be the children’s cartoon titeuf, which occasionally throws in adult themes. Once the main character, Titeuf, tried to buy some condoms at the pharmacy to satisfy his crush, Nadia. Titeuf is a kid.
However the French aren’t the only ones perceived being good in bed. The Italians, Spanish and Latin Americans also vie for the top positions. But why? A common feature of these groups is that they all speak romance languages and are perceived to be “exotic.” It is possible that the rhythmic melody found within these languages creates the perception of good lovers.
The French are Rude
My friend always told me he hates French people because they’re rude and snobby. Upon further investigation, I found out he was once arrested in France for causing a scene in a grocery store (something about the cashier not speaking English to him). Although my encounter was not as extreme, I too have had a run-in with a rude Frenchie. Overall, I don’t think the French are anymore rude than other cultures. I speak French and have lived in France for extended amounts of time; I have French family members and I have French friends. My encounters with French people are far from unpleasant.
But why are they so rude John? Well, imagine this: you’re walking down the street minding your own business. Suddenly, a tourist approaches and assaults you with an incomprehensible slew of words before even saying “hello” or “excuse me?”You’d consider that rude. This type of stuff happens in France and probably is linked to some Americans or Brits who assumes everybody speaks English. Americans believe those who travel to their country should speak English, well, the French appreciate it if you speak French to them (at least try)! Usually by opening an interaction in French, they’ll be more willing to help you if your skills are poor.
French people are also more frank. They don’t mind telling you what’s on their mind, as long as it’s in a plesant manner than it’s not rude.
Now sometimes I get stories of people who try to speak French and then find it rude or insulting that the person switched to English. The reason for this may be because they are trying to help you overcome your poor French or they are eager to practice their English… regardless, if it bothered you then check out: How to Make the French Speak French.
Because French rudeness is the epitome of stereotypes, I have two more possible explanations for French rudeness:
1) People of Paris (Parisians) are of a different breed than their provincial counterpart, sometimes noted as more fast-paced & money oriented by their fellow French citizens. So maybe culprit to French rudeness lies within the fact that Parisians are tired of their city being bombarded by millions of tourists per year.
2) We humans also use a cognitive shortcut called the confirmation bias. You walk around France where the majority of French people pay no mind to you, or are quite polite. However, the second you encounter a snobby Parisian waiter, you take note. You complain to your friend, and depending on the interaction, it leaves a permanent mark upon you.
The French are Cowards / The French Surrender
I was on the inter-webs and stumbled upon this quote in an article: “Why are the streets in Paris lined with trees? So the Nazis could march in the shade!”
For some reason the French military is perceived as cowardly or unwilling to fight. However, according to Globalfirepower.org, France ranks as the 6th strongest military nation in the world (yes, surpassing Germany) and if you look at history, the French have had great success on the battlefield even after the Napoleonic Era. Don’t believe me, check this out.
So where does such a stereotype about the weakness of an entire nation come from? Well many Americans refer back to the quick French collapse during World War 2, abandonment of the South East Asian campaign (which America later adopted, The Vietnam War), and the French uneagerness to add more troops to support American endeavors in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During the occupation of WW2, the Free French Forces and resistance forces kept fighting until more allied aid could arrive. If you look at Afghanistan and Iraq, they’re not popular wars in any sense, while many countries didn’t even match the contribution made by France. Here are some of the troop numbers.
The French Smell, The French Don’t Shower & French Women are Hairy
I think these stereotypes are silly, but let’s try to find some reasons as to why these exist. One explanation to the stench of the French could be that the prevalence rate of smoking in France is high (14/66 million) and cigarette smoke is not a pleasant smell. People could also pin the smelly French to the strongly aromatic cheeses that the country produces or the French smell because they like to use cologne and perfume. I’m not sure if these myths have any one true origin.
Of course I don’t have any statistics but the average, modern French woman shaves. In fact, waxing is a popular option advertised here in France year round. The stereotype apparently comes from World War 2, where the lack of razors during the war effort left people razor-less, especially the women.
Want more French stereotypes? This older book, 112 gripes of the French may satisfy your interest.
Hey brov !
I’m a french guy, and as such may I witness that we have huge troubles within our army. Up to you to make your own opinion, as I dare guess you know my country as much as I do. About the French rudeness, I think you covered it all. F*ck Parisian people ! Guys, just have a look or a tour at my region :) Lorraine. Everybody leaving in Province hate fuck*ng Parisian. That’s a real that they incredibly rude. I experienced it myself, with a German colleague. Crazy story, won’t tell much of it here.
Love : French people are far less discreet than English/American, so this may help in bedroom, to say or show or do what is felt or desired.
Rudeness : Parisians are a stressed subspecy of French. French don’t have british self-control, nor American open-minded attitude, so disagreements are said and may turn very hot depending on the reaction of the counterpart. But there is a part of self-derision and courtesy to mitigate it.
Cowardice : see rudeness : hot argument can vanish all of a sudden, not due to cowardice, but because it is not worth the fight.
And military reputation was wrongly tarnished due to WW2 disaster. This had nothing to do with courage or training, but all with bad technical and strategical decisions by high command, who wanted to redo the successful WW1, when French army ended the strongest of the World.
At individual level, in WW2 60,000 French died fighting in six weeks (compared to 3,500 british, 6,000 polish, 12,000 Belgians), one seventh of USA loss in 3.5 years.
German lost 63,000 men in France and Belgium, and 800 combat planes. An indirect contribution in the later Battle of Britain.
Up until a little over a year ago, I had never met a French person. Now I know several. There are good and bad people everywhere, in every country, including France. Maybe I have been extraordinarily lucky, but the ones I have met have been very educated, charming, polite and have become very good friends. I love the way they view life — they are, like most Europeans, far more practical and realistic than people where I live (the U.S.). When I visited Paris earlier this year, I had no problems. I do not speak French, and I managed. No rudeness. I also think one’s attitude is very important when traveling to a foreign country.
My Parisian boyfriend is 1/ A tender, very passionate, exciting & generous lover, 2/Completely frank and has no qualms in telling you exactly what he thinks ie: ‘those sunglasses are not suiting you’ (which makes him sound like a jerk, but in fact it’s out of affection)!, 4/enjoys the pleasures of food and drink very much 5/can speak to pretty nearly any topic in conversation 6/ has incredible style and taste, always dresses well 7/ left Paris because in the end he found the “ce n’est pas possible” attitude too restrictive for his more cheerful spirit. ;) That’s his experience anyways. He says it’s not likely noticeable if you are only there a few years; but over time he found it restrictive. He misses many things though! Mostly the food. Well, okay and the culture. We do things very differently in Canada vs France! I was shocked in fact to study the difference in the cultures (read the great book ‘The Bonjour Effect) and I feel now I understand him much better! :D
Its True that they are hairy (Woman). I can say this for sure. I lived 2 years in Paris… Bahh to bad. 😰😓😫👎
Thinking kid’s shows shouldn’t talk about being condoms doesn’t make you a prude, it makes you a good parent
Uh no. Kids should know what a condom is without stigma. Doesn’t mean they will use them under age.
I’ve lived in various parts of France for 30 years and can say that the above-mentioned stereotypes are silly and wrong, just as the writer correctly indicated. The French are just like everyone else: you treat people with respect, politeness and in a friendly manner, you can avoid difficulties. I have rarely encountered a rude person, but jerks do exist everywhere. I should note that as my French language improved, so has my encounters. I now live in Bordeaux and think the SouthWest is the best area in France.
If you ask french guys used to go to other countries if french people are arrogant, they will probably smile because compared to other countries attitude :
– french are often arrogant, but they feel its a sane behaviour> citizen of other nations often express the same feeling in an other way . They see it as national pride.
– For instance when brits are making fun of french reluctenss (different from unability) to speak english, french remind them that the english queen sign with the words “la reine le veut” in french. Since the invasion of england by Wiliam the conqueror french as been for long the official language of the crown.
The relunctance to speak english is more linked to the will to express a political independance from the powerfull americans since charles de Gaulle :Allies not vassals.
– When the americans make fun of there “cowardise” they remind them that the war in irak was illegal in international law because based on an Italian hoax about Saddam nuclear attempt. that we lost against Germans but french soldiers were fighting in poland and scandinavia while the usa was the last country in the allies group to declare war to the nazis. furthermore the french free fighters((right wing) and communist (left wing) fought untill the end like the polish or the ex republican. Only the french among the invaded countries, because of Degaulle and their stupborn pride were allowed to participate to the occupation of a zone in Berlin. and that the Indochina war was a civil war. Citizen from the french colony where at the time badly treated french but they were french .
And the 700 hundred soldiers wounded in Afghanistan disagree about the coward point. Furthermore french troops kicked out alquaida from Mali with the help of thad but without any other occidental army.
sorry Tchad
Well, I had no idea it was actually a known stereotype but from a young age, I have always found the French quite unfriendly. And yes, rude, as in ignoring me when I tried to ask something. Then when I was persistent, answering short and grumpy and in French. I think it has something to do with their dislike of the English, who have been blatantly making fun of them quite rudely on tv for decades. English humor is well known and popular in Europe, and the shows usually were about the war or referred to it a lot. Think of Allo Allo, Dad’s Army, faulty towers etc. the English have a very arrogant attitude towards the French. Yes, they are only jokes, but the message was obvious. And it influenced many an opinion about the French. The French are, with reason, a proud people. Just read some French history. I think the French people want to be respected, and they deserve to be. So yes, learn some French before going there. And the English… Well… They can’t keep bringing up the War forever. A war they didn’t l i v e and s u r v i v e like the French. Their troops fought in it yes. 😩
french people are rude they and eat snails like its going out of fashion and eat with there mouths open
The thing I love about the French is how they seem to forget who it was who had to come over and give them THEIR country back, after they lost it in six weeks. Also, the “French Resistance…” amazing how after the war was over, all these Vichy lovers suddenly claimed to have been part of the Resistance.
The French Resistance was a reality, my great grand father died for it. But statistics show that true Vichy lovers were as few as true resistants. People during wars just try to survive you see, most of them don’t resist neither collaborate.
The thing I love about the Americans is how they want us to worship them for eternity because 70 YEARS AGO they waited to be attacked by the Japanese to enter war (when the nazis were destroying european populations) and sent their poor soldiers to France after 6 long years of occupation. We paid for our liberation when the war was over, you know, USA did not free us for nothing. Governments make war for economic or strategic reasons, not to save people.
And you seem to forget the British — who tried since the beginning to convince the USA to enter war. And the Russians — who freed the most part of Europe. Should we kneel before all these countries now ? All the same, should we hate our German neighbors because of their nazi ancestors ?
And what about the French who came to fight in America to help your ancestors become citizens of an independent nation ? Have you forgotten them ? Hum ?
The truth is we’re in 2018, all these belongs to the past. Don’t wait for gratitude, it’s ridiculous and off topic.
My ex-boyfriend was French and he turned out to be quite rude, but I think part of that is from being an only child. He did stink… hated to do laundry, but he didn’t like escargot (snails). So I’d say some of the stereotypes are true, but I try to keep an open mind… I certainly don’t want people thinking I am the typical Texan!
I am from Australia and I have spent a few weeks in various French cities. I do not think any of them were ever rude – even in Paris! Everyone was lovely.
I usually tried to say “Can you speak English” in French, and I also made sure I greeted people and said please and thank you… I think it comes down to the tourist, they should make the effort to be courteous, use their manners and show respect. If they don’t want to do this, then they should think about who is really the one being rude.
This is true french are rude, especially in Paris .Because when an American tourist ask a question in english to a french, the french won’t understand your english. Have you ever live and drive in Paris, this is hell! There are always traffic jam in the capital, well the people are mad of this and don’ want to lose their time to help tourists.
I’m french and I lived during 5 years in America, so I had the time to understand the french stereotypes.
alright, that is true. im a frnch smelly unshave wine monkey who slaps people with my dong dong.
This is true french are rude, especially in Paris .Because when an American tourist ask a question in english to a french, the french won’t understand your english. Have you ever live and drive in Paris, this is hell! There are always traffic jam in the capital, well the people are mad of this and don’ want to lose their time to help tourists.
I’m french and I lived during 5 years in America, so I had the time to understand the french stereotypes.
Oui, bien sûr qu’à paris les gens sont désagréables ! C’est la capitale, ils sont stressés, tendus et tout ça … Et sur les routes de Paris c’est le foutoir ! Mais pour le reste, il ne faut pas faire de généralités !
It’s funny how peolpe think that Paris is the only french city. So to you “French are rude because you’ve been to Paris and some strangers were a bit mean.” Next time you go to France don’t go to the capital visit somewhere else and you’ll see that we are very nice people.