How to Tell the Weather in French

How to Tell the Weather in French

Do you know how to ask about the weather in French? Talking about the weather isn’t just important for small talk, it’s an aspect of everyday life! The weather dictates how you dress outside, what you can do, and even where you can go. Today we’ll go...
How to be Successful in French Class

How to be Successful in French Class

Do you want to get the most out of your language course? Do you want to get an A in French class? I know a thing or two after taking my fair share of French courses. Here are some universal tips to help you become successful. Attending class and studying is only HALF...
Common French Stereotypes

Common French Stereotypes

Take some time and think about the stereotypical French person. He’s a rude Parisian with a thick mustache donning a striped tee-shirt and beret. He’s smoking a cigarette while sitting at a café. His long baguette remains close-by so he could sample the...

The French Pronoun On Explained

Even after having years of French instruction, people still exhibit some confusion over the indefinite pronoun on in French. So what exactly is on and when can we use it? On (pronounced /ɔ̃/ like the vowel in the word “pont”) has a few meanings in French....

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