Free Guides
These free guides to share some crucial information about living, working, and studying in France. If you want more in-depth information then check out our premium guides below.
How to study in France
A quick guide on how to apply to French universities, get your student visa, and look for student housing.
Paris Metro Guide
Learn how to navigate and use the Paris Metro like a true Parisian.
French Citizenship
We’ll outline the various ways you can become a French citizen.
Teach English in France
Every year, thousands of English language assistants help teach in French schools. Learn how to become one.
Driving in France
A guide on how to get your French driver’s license and an overview about the rules of the road.
Premium Guides
Our premium guides are longer and more thorough – based on our first hand experience of moving to France. The subjects include everything from finding a job or a place to live, to opening a French bank account. Most of our premium guides involve legal, financial, or bureaucratic considerations.
The FULL Guide
Get access to all 15 of our premium lessons. Learn how to live, work in France as well as survive the immigration process and various bureaucratic problems.
Your French Cellphone
Learn how to get a working cellphone in France. I’ll tell you which deals are best on the market and share which cellphone plan I chose.