L’Horloge Tourne Lyrics in English
Reviewed/ Translated by John Elkhoury
Like all my music reviews, I start with the French to English Translation then critique the lyrics and style.

Un SMS vient d’arriver, j’ai 18 ans
A text message just arrived, I’m 18
Envolée ma virginité, je suis plus un enfant
Fly away my virginity, I’m no longer a child
L’horloge tourne, les minutes sont torrides
The clock ticks, the minutes are scorching 
Et moi je rêve d’accélérer le temps
And me, I dream of speeding up time
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

Un SMS vient d’arriver, j’ai 20 ans
A text message just arrived, I’m 20
On l’a fait sans se protéger mais je veux pas d’un enfant,
We did it without protection but I don’t want a a child
L’horloge tourne, les minutes infanticides
The clock ticks, the infanticidal minutes
Et moi je rêve de remonter le temps
And me, I dream of going back in time
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

Un SMS vient d’arriver, j’ai 21 ans
A text message just arrived, I’m 21
9 mois se sont écoulés et toujours pas d’enfants
Nine months have passed and still no children
L’horloge tourne, les minutes se dérident
The clock ticks, the minutes get happy
Et moi je rêve, tranquille je prends mon temps
And me, I dream, at ease I take my time
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

Un SMS vient d’arriver, j’ai 25 ans
A text message just arrived, I’m 25
Un tsunami a tout emporté, même les jeux d’enfants
 A tsunami took it all, even the childish games
L’horloge tourne, les minutes sont acides
The clock ticks, the minutes are sour
Et moi je rêve que passe le mauvais temps
And me, I dream that the bad times (or weather, a play on words with the mention of tsunami) will pass
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

Un SMS vient d’arriver, j’ai 28 ans
A text message just arrived, I’m 28
Mamie est bien fatiguée et j’suis plus un enfant
Grandma is tired and I’m not a kid anymore
L’horloge tourne mais son coeur se suicide
The clock ticks but her heart is killing itself
Et moi je rêve, je rêve du bon vieux temps
And me, I dream, I dream of the good old times
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

Un SMS va arriver, j’aurai 30 ans
A text message is going to arrive, I will be 30
30 ans de liberté et soudain le bilan
30 years of liberty and suddenly an assessment
L’horloge tourne, les minutes sont des rides
The clock ticks, the minutes are wrinkles
Et moi je rêve, je rêve d’arrêter le temps
And me, I dream, I dream of stopping time

Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh
Dam dam déo oh wah oh, dam dam déo oh oh oh oh

This is a nice simple song by Mickael Miro. I personally enjoy the guitar part to the song, and the refrain (Dam dam déo) portion is rather fun to sing along with! The story is of a boy who went through 12 years of life with it’s ups and downs. When he’s 18, he’s excited to go out into the world “I want to speed up time”, but when he’s 30 he realizes he wants time to stop, he’s aging! One thing I like is how everything starts by receiving an SMS (you would think he’d stop checking his phone after a while). 

The song is classified as Easy because it uses simple constructions and is very repetivie. Our singer also sings quite slowly. Well that’s all there is for this popular French song. À bientôt.

For the complete list of Reviewed French Songs, please click HERE
All songs and lyrics are owned by their respective owners. Any discrepancies with the translation can be posted below. Please note that translations are not always word for word, I strive to make statements sound fluent in English. 

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