Annie in English
Reveiwed/Translated by John Elkhoury

Tombe par hasard sur des amis

Stumbles upon some friends
Il y a déjà bien longtemps 

It’s already been a long time
Qu’elle n’a vu personne

That she has seen somebody
Pas depuis l’automne

Not since autumn

Tombe amoureuse, un petit ami

Falls in love, she has a boyfriend
Ça prend beaucoup trop de temps

It takes up far too much time
Alors elle abandonne

So she abandons
Ce gentil bonhomme

This kind gentleman

Le temps passe et prend la petite Annie
The time passes and takes little Annie
Mais bien vite elle oublie

But quickly she forgets
Elle n’a vraiment pas le temps

She doesn’t really have time
Pourtant elle s’ennuie

Yet she’s (always) bored
La petite Annie

Little Annie


Tombe par malheur dans les escaliers

Unfortunately falls on the stairs
Son important rendez-vous attendra
Her important meeting waits
Je crois, elle ne se réveille pas

I believe, she doesn’t wake up

Sa tombe est bien rangée près des pissenlits

Her tomb is well placed near the dandilions
Il n’y a vraiment pas grand monde qui viendra, en somme

There aren’t many people who come, in total
Pour ne pas dire personne

For nobody told anyone

Le temps passe et prend la petite Annie
The time passes and takes little Annie
Mais bien vite elle oublie

But quickly she forgets
Elle n’a vraiment pas le temps

She doesn’t really have time
Pourtant elle s’ennuie

Yet she’s (always) bored
La petite Annie

Little Annie

This is a sad little song about Annie, a girl who never really has time for anyone. Yet we are constantly reminded that Annie is bored! The song unfolds and we realize the problem isn’t Annie’s time, but the fact that she doesn’t want to interact with others. When Annie dies, we are told that not many people visit her grave… In the end, we should learn to enjoy ourselves and our time on earth with other human beings. Humans are social creatures, could you imagine not seeing friends for an entire year? Annie, she hasn’t seen anybody since autumn, now I’m assuming it’s been a year – I could be wrong… but that doesn’t change the antisocial factor.

I decided this song is notably easy. Simon sings slowly and clearly, most words can be understood by an intermediate French learner. My favorite part of the song happens during the final verse, where Emilie Simon’s voice overlaps as it sings the first line: “Sa tombe est bien rangée…“. I enjoy the heavy bass line and various synths. Emilie Simon will be featured again.

For the complete list of reviewed French songs, click HERE.
All songs and lyrics are owned by their respective owners. Any discrepancies with translations can be posted below. Please note that translations are not always word for word, I strive to make the statements sound fluent in English.

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