How to Make French People Speak French

How to Make French People Speak French

Roughly 6 years ago, me and my little brother ventured around Paris. Hungry, we decided to eat at a nice Parisian café next to the Seine River, Le Café du Soleil. Both of us were French language learners so we decided we wanted to order in French. At the time, my...
How To Become Fluent in French Fast

How To Become Fluent in French Fast

A French girl once told me that you can speed up your French fluency by smoking, because a lot of French people smoke. I don’t condone smoking. But I did design a simple 8-step French fluency program to become fluent in French FAST. Fluency has multiple...
How to Start Learning French

How to Start Learning French

Want to start learning French but don’t know how? This is a comprehensive beginner’s guide about how to do just that. Learning a new language can be daunting at times so this article will discuss where to begin learning French, what materials and topics to...
Elle Me Dit English Translation – Mika

Elle Me Dit English Translation – Mika

Elle Me Dit lyrics in English Lyrics reviewed & translated by John Elkhoury COMPREHENSION DIFFICULTY: EASY Elle me dit She tells me Écris une chanson contente Write a happy song Pas une chanson déprimante Not a depressing song Une chanson que tout le monde aime A...

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