The French Pronoun On Explained

Even after having years of French instruction, people still exhibit some confusion over the indefinite pronoun on in French. So what exactly is on and when can we use it? On (pronounced /ɔ̃/ like the vowel in the word “pont”) has a few meanings in French....
Tu & Vous: French Subjects

Tu & Vous: French Subjects

What is the difference between tu and vous in French? Both these French subject pronouns mean “you” however they are used in different situations, explained below. English speakers can have a hard time with tu and vous because our language does not make...


DR MRS P. VANDERTRAMP (or Dr Mrs. Vandertrampp) and “The House of Être” is a commonly taught abbreviation and learning strategy to help French learners remember some verbs which use être as an auxiliary verb (as opposed to avoir). Looking more closely at...

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