French? Oui,  je veux un peu d’amour! 

Why French?“, they would ask. Everybody in the United States speaks Spanish… My response?

Bubbling champagne, thick moustaches, tons of beautiful women… I’m sure that when many people think of the French they picture: high class models, fashion, wonderful cuisine, and just a sense of luxury associated with the language! Have you ever noticed that if a restaurant, clothing store, or hair salon wanted to appear more “chic” then they would often use French names or words to elevate their products!  
(For example: Prêt A Manger is a typical sandwich shop located in New York, UK, and Japan with other 250 locations. They utilize a French phrase Ready to Eat as a business name… sounds classy, eh?) 

I personally always loved the way French sounded. Sure, English is beautiful! However, the liaisons, tons of vowels, and eloquent words allow French to roll of your tounge. I’m sure you’ll instantly begin to kindle un peu d’amour (a little love). I always recalled my friend Jeremy saying, “You can never tell if a French man is angry because it always sounds like he wants to make love.”

So do you want to learn French?

Learning a langauge requires a ton of commitment, time, hard work, and in some cases, 
money! Funny, all the things that none of us have these days. Although there is an Ideal Time To Learn a Language from a scientific stand-point. It’s NEVER too late to begin learning a new language that will interest you! How long will it take? That’s a good question too and there are many of factors that go into it (thus, check out this link: How Long to Become Fluent in French).

For whatever reason it may be, French remains the 2nd most taught foreign language in the United States. I’m sure that people are still dreaming of Paris: the French sense of fashion and style, the elegant magasins sur les Champs-Élysées, and the little corner street cafés that riddle the avenues. It’s all too much to take in.

The benefits of learning French
Increased communcation skills,
An understanding of another culture,
An increased appreication of both your native language and French,
Usefulness in subject areas such as Chemistry, Cooking, Fashion, Hairdressing, Ballet, etc…,
The possibility to further your career with the understanding of another language,
The ability to go to France or a Francophone country, and truly enjoy the people and the ambience.

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